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Dubai Office

Instant Valuation

Waterfronts made the decision to help their clientele capitalise on the huge growth and attraction of Dubai property ownership, by taking the step to establish a base in this popular destination.

With Dubai gaining increased attention due to its global outreach and attractive business environment, the idea of having an elite local business serving the city’s most distinguished and influential residents and investors is our ultimate passion. Our Dubai office provides expert guidance on finding a home or investment property in Dubai. We guide you through the benefits of living and investing in the Dubai property market. We assist in the process of purchase, ownership and related visa residency requirements.

We help source the best deal within your investment brief, schedule and guide you through viewings, gain the most competitive financing, negotiate expertly for you and assist you through the transfer process and will have our experts at hand from start to finish. We’ve built our reputation on service that exceeds every expectation and industry standard, as our other international offices.

We aim to be our client’s expert guide through the maze of Dubai real estate. We are with them every step of the way, from listing to closing, keeping the process simple and stress-free.

Contact one of our experts today, to start your journey to the city of luxury living, Dubai UAE.

Request A Valuation

For more information and to discuss your individual requirements, please call 020 7474 5757 or or request a valuation.